Acting for youth employment

Casino Group is implementing various initiatives in order to facilitate the professional integration of young people, especially underprivileged ones, by supporting various associations working in close contact with regions



The Group brings its support to different organisations which promote civic education among young people, especially the Commitment Institute and Unis’Cités which put forward the skills acquired by the volunteers from the Civic Service in recruitment procedures and take part in these associations’ activities to support young people after their Civic Service. To raise awareness among staff and encourage them to support this group dynamics dedicated to active young people, a guidance booklet called « Civic service : a learning experience and skills to be valued within companies » was designed.

Since February 2016 and the signature of the local development Charter for work, Casino Group has been working in partnership with the Paris Council as part of its “1000 sponsors for 1000 jobs” programme. An employment pact renewed on June 30, 2022, for three additional years.


Instituto GPA is developing educational programmes to facilitate the professional integration of young people from modest families in Brazil. In partnership with the Rio de Janeiro government, it supports the centre for professional training NATA (“Núcleo Avançado em Tecnologia de Alimentos”) which trains over 300 pupils from modest families in domains such as bakery and dairy.

Finally, the Instituto continues its partnership with the Getulio Vargas Foundation to deploy its merit-based grant programme called “Prosperar”: 41 students took advantage of this programme in 2022.

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