Protecting biodiversity

Biodiversity preservation and ecosystem protection now represent one of the priorities of Casino Group. Casino Group acts daily within its supply chains, in its stores and among its customers in order to bring concrete and efficient solutions.

Casino Group is committed to…

Increase sales of organic products from organic farming and agroecology

Fighting deforestation linked to raw materials in the supply chain

In france

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Ensuring that 100% of palm oil is certified as sustainable in private-label food products (independent RSPO certification)

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Ensuring that 100% of cocoa is certified as sustainable in products containing more than 20% cocoa (independent certification such as UTZ or Fair Trade) 

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Supplying at least 85% of yellowfin tuna sold canned via free shoal fishing methods (FAD-free)
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Not to market deep sea fish threatened with extinction*

* Orange roughy, blue ling, saber fish, scabbard fish, macrouridae, cusk fish, blue shark, school shark, spiny dogfish, eel, white grouper, glass eel, white grouper, pink sea bream.

Casino group supports…

4 axes of actions :

Promoting responsible and organic products

The Group offers a range of products that are more respectful of the environment and biodiversity.

Across the world, stores feature a wide range of responsible products, certified according to different product specifications ensuring a high level of standards.

The Group also supports organic farming and offers Organic products accessible to the greatest number of people with more than 22 000 food products, more than 2 500 private-label products (Casino Bio, Monoprix Bio, Franprix Bio) and more than 200 100% Organic stores.

Developing agroecology

The Group’s banners are deploying programs to support agroecology : Monoprix has implemented since 2015 the “Tous Cultiv’acteurs” program with more than 700 fruit and vegetable producers and are in partnership with BeeFriendly to promote production that respects the environment and pollinators.

With AgriPlus, Casino is committed to “Zero pesticide residue”. This initiative responds to consumer demands while acting upon the conditions of production upstream.

Tous Cultiv’acteurs with Monoprix. Tous Cultiv’acteurs aims at promoting a more sustainable agricultural model and in particular more respectful of pollinators. Suppliers are committed for 3 years to follow specific product specifications developed with the BEEFRIENDLY label and agricultural experts.

100% chances of finding 0% pesticide! Since 2015, the Casino brand has been offering frozen foods guaranteed free of pesticide residues (insecticides, fungicides and herbicides). In 2018, the brand is completing its commitment by launching a range of fresh fruit and vegetables guaranteed free of pesticide residues, with products that change with the seasons.

Fighting deforestation

To fight deforestation, the group implements actions to support the sustainable
sourcing of raw materials, palm oil, soy and cocoa. These actions consist in demanding guarantees on the production of the raw materials by working on traceability of supply chains to make them more transparent.

>> Learn more on our policy for the fight against deforestation.


To preserve halieutic resources, as early as 2007 the banners banned the marketing of threatened species, especially those in deep sea waters and support more sustainable fishing techniques such as those based on free shoals.

The Group promotes aquaculture by offering its customers high-quality farmed products (Organic farming, no antibiotics, no GMOs).

The Group condemns illegal fishing and destructive techniques such as electric fishing and promotes local supplies and seasonal products in order to offer more responsible products on the counters.

To go further and learn more:

See Chapter 3 of our 2023 Universal Registration Document dedicated to the Group’s CSR policy