CSR performance 2023

Committed employer

121,205 employees including 44,168 in France (*)
33% are under 30 years old
42,7% of women in management including 44,1% in France (*)
95/100 Average score in the equality index
5 145 employees with disabilities

Commerçant responsable

Nearly 20,000 organic products of which 2,300 private-label food products
+200 100% organic stores
100% of eggs sold in stores in France come from cage-free hens

Environment and climate

– 41% greenhouse gas emissions between 2015 and 2023 including -57% in France (*)
-16% of the Group’s power consumption in Kwh/m2 between 2015 and 2023 

Trusted partner

84% of the factories located in at-risk countries producing private-label products are covered by an ICS social audit
100% of the palm oil used in the private-label food products in France is RSPO-certified

Local corporate citizen

4 foundations that act in favour of the most vulnerable including 2 in France

More than 108,000 people benefiting from the Foundations’ actions

More than 28,200 tons of goods donated to Food Banks

(*) France perimeter at 12/31/2023

CSR Performance monitoring

Non-financial rating


Moody’s Vigeo

S&P Global CSA



Weighted equality index France


Rating year

  2023   2022  2021    2020  

The Group’s inclusion in these non-financial indices, which comprise the top-performing companies in terms of social, environmental and governance criteria, demonstrates the depth of its commitment to CSR.

In 2021, the Group’s ESG commitment was recognised by Moody’s ESG Solutions, ranking Casino Group first in its industry. The Group’s 2023 ESG ratings remained mostly stable with a maintaining in the climate rating to A- by the CDP (B in 2021).

In 2021, the Group was included in the MSCI ACWI Food & Staples Retailing indices. 

Commited employer

Consolidated workforce by country

Modifications 2023

Consolidated workforce by age

Modifications 2023

Committed to encouraging the integration of young people into the job market, Casino Group has nearly 40,000 employees under the age of 30.

(*) France perimeter at 12/31/2023

Consolidated workforce by type of employment contract (permanent/fixed term)




  % permanent employees
  % of fixed-term employees

Casino Group employs a large majority of its employees on permanent contracts, with 96% on permanent contracts.

Workforce breakdown by full-time/part-time employment




  % in full-time employment
  % in part-time employment

83% of employees work full time.

Representation of women in the consolidated workforce and in management by country

Objectif 2025



45 %
42,7 %

  % of women employees
  % of women in management

(*) France perimeter at 12/31/2023

Having met its commitment to increase the number of women in management by 5 percentage points between 2015 and 2020, the Group has now set a target for women to hold 45% of management positions by 2025. The increase in the number of female executives within the Group is one of the two CSR criteria taken into account in the variable compensation of executives.

The Group is active on the full range of workplace equality issues, including gender diversity across job categories, career management services for women, fairness in human resources processes (pay, training, hiring and promotions) and parenthood. In 2009, Groupe Casino became the first retail group to be awarded the Diversité Label for its Casino banners by Afnor Certification. Since then, the Diversity Label has been renewed every four years following a new audit. In 2022, the Group was again audited and awarded the label for all its entities in France for the period 2022-2024. In 2016, the Group adopted the Women’s Empowerment Principles backed by UN Women.

Change in the number of Group employees with disabilities

Objective 2025



4.5 %
3.0 %

The Group employs 5 145 people with disabilities, or 4.2%, including 2 968 in France (*). It has exceeded its target of raising the number of employees with disabilities by 1 percentage point between 2015 and 2023, and is still working towards achieving its target of 4.5% in 2025.

Trusted partner

Number of ICS audits conducted by the Group

Modifications 2023

  74% Audits directly commissioned by the Group
  26% Audits commissioned by another ICS member

1,001 ICS social audits were carried out in factories involved in the production of private-label products for the Group in 2023, including 74% commissioned by Casino Group. The Group’s goal is for all of the facilities producing private-label products in countries at risk to be covered by a valid ICS social audit performed within the previous two years (active plants located in high-risk countries and manufacturing own-brand products for the Group).

(*) France perimeter at 12/31/2023

Local corporate citizen

Donations of food goods in meal equivalent – In millions

In 2023, more than 56 million meals was donated to food banks or other social welfare organisations (including national collection from customers).

The Group first partnered with the French food bank federation (FFBA) in 2009, and renewed the alliance for a further three years in 2022.


Amounts paid out in solidarity

In 2023, more than 109 million euros were paid out in solidarity and around 108,000 people benefited from the actions of the Casino Group’s four foundations.

Environmentally proactive Group

Change in greenhouse gas emissions of the Group

Modifications 2023

Change in greenhouse gas emission in France

Modifications 2023

(*) France perimeter at 12/31/2023

(1) Scope 1 includes greenhouse gas emissions from energy consumed directly by the Group, emissions from leakages of refrigerants used in cooling cabinets in stores, warehouses and air conditioning systems, emissions related to the transport of goods under operational control and employee business travel using company vehicles.

(2) Scope 2 emissions or indirect emissions relate to the Group’s energy consumption, which mainly concerns electricity consumption.

Breakdown of Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions

Modifications 2023

As signatory to the Science Based Target initiative, Casino Group takes up the following commitments in line with international objectives:

– 18% reduction in Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 compared with 2015, and 38% by 2030 compared with 2015;

– 10% reduction in Scope 3 emissions between 2018 and 2025 in the categories “product and service purchases” and “use of products sold”, which account for more than 86% of indirect emissions.

The emissions associated with refrigerants and energy used by buildings represented 94% of its Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions in 2023.

The Group reduced its Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions between 2015 and 2023 by 41%, with a 47% decrease in France (*).

(*) France perimeter at 12/31/2023

Proportion of renewable energy used by the Group

0 %

The observed improvements in electricity use per sq.m are attributable to the ongoing roll-out of energy performance contracts in all countries and the implementation of energy management systems in accordance with ISO 50001 recommendations. 25% of the electricity used by the Group comes from renewable energy sources. 

In 2023, the Group sorted more than 159,000 tonnes of waste (cardboard, paper, plastics, organic waste, glass, wood, scrap…). Through the constant search for a solution to recover all the waste produced (notably biomethane production), the Group in France recovered 79% of its waste. More than 32,000 tonnes of waste are still being buried or burned.

Percentage of Group waste recovered 2023

0 %

Percentage of waste recovered in France 2023

0 %

(*) France perimeter at 12/31/2023

Responsible retailer

Number of products certified as organic and “sustainable* (private-label and national brands)

To support organic farming and reduce the use of pesticides, Casino Group is extending its range of certified organic products, with nearly 20,000 national and private-label brands in 2023. Organic products are sold in all of its banners, in order to make them accessible to all.

Animal welfare

of eggs sold came from cage-free hens in France
0 %

In 2020, the Group discontinued the sale of eggs from caged hens in France (under private labels and national brands). Casino has already committed to going a step further by pledging to eliminate egg products from caged hens in all its private-label products by 2025. GPA has also committed to discontinuing the sale of eggs from caged hens under its private labels by 2025. In addition, the Group is continuing to roll out animal welfare labelling on its products.

Products containing palm oil

RSPO-certified palm oil in France
0 %

In 2011, the Group joined the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), pledging to use only RSPO-certified palm oil in France by 2020, prioritising crops certified to “Segregated” or “Identity Preserved” standards, which offers the added advantage of being able to trace the palm oil to its source.

Unless otherwise specified, the human resources, social and environmental data relates to the entities under the operational control of Casino Group and any of its majority-held subsidiaries, in France and abroad.

Data concerning affiliates, franchises and business leases are not included. The 2022 CSR reporting scope includes the consolidated data of store activity and the associated support services (logistics, purchasing, human resources, etc.) of business units located in:

  • France, comprising operations under the Casino, Monoprix (including Naturalia), Cdiscount and Franprix banners;
  • Brazil, comprising GPA;
  • Colombia, comprising Grupo Éxito operations;
  • Uruguay, comprising Grupo Disco and Devoto operations (excluding social data for 2023 – 5.7% of the workforce);
  • Argentina, comprising Libertad operations.

Environmental data cover sites that operated for a full 12-month period.

The indicators proposed per square metre of retail space only cover the data reported by stores.

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