ExtenC is the Group’s subsidiary in charge of the international expansion of its brands and banners abroad and outside of continental France. Its partnerships with local retail players can take several forms from the franchising of its main brands (Casino #enseignes, Monoprix, Franprix, Leader
Price, BAO) to the supplying of its private label products.
Casino Group’s global footprint
ExtenC works closely with more than 85 partners in 70 territories on 5 continents. It has more than 400 franchised stores (outside of continental France) which cover all the Group’s brands and formats and benefits from a particularly dense territorial network in Africa and in the French overseas territories as well as strong growth prospects in areas such as the Middle East and Asia.
International banners

44 openings in 2023
ExtenC pursued its expansion in 2023 with the opening of numerous stores internationally. A portfolio of 44 stores in 10 different brand formats (Géant,
Géant Express, Vival, Le Petit Casino, Monoprix, Monop’, Monoprix Maison, Monop’ Beauty, Franprix, Leader Price) were opened over 9 territories (UAE,
Reunion Island, Saint Barthelemy, Guadeloupe, Qatar, Guinea, Libya, Madagascar, Congo).

The 10 ExtenC key openings of 2023