Promoting Diversity

Committed for the past 30 years towards promoting Diversity and fighting all forms of discrimination, Casino Group is convinced that the diversity of its staff is an asset for each and everyone of us as well as a source of performance for the company. Casino Group’s baseline Nourishing a world of diversity" is therefore a reminder of its commitment towards keeping Diversity alive in all its forms: diversity as regards store formats, diversity of products, diversity in suppliers but also diversity among its employees. As the first retailer to have obtained both the Diversity and Gender Equality label, Casino Group wishes to share its actions to fight against discriminations.

Click on the visual above to read the whole Policy in favour of Diversity (French version).

Casino Group is a signatory to…

A convention with the City Ministry since 1993

This agreement aims at helping the professional integration of a priority target groups, in particular, city residents.

The parenthood Charter since 2008

The aim of this charter is to encourage parenthood in the company.

The Group renewed its commitment in 2021.

 The Diversity Charter since its creation in 2004

This Charter is opened for signature to any company, whatever its size. It condemns discriminations in employment.

The Group renewed its commitment in 2023.

The commitment Charter for valuing and promoting Civil service in companies since 2011

This Charter values skills acquired in Civil service within companies so that this experience is perceived as an asset in professional life.

The commitment Charter of companies for equal opportunities in education since 2007

This Charter aims at bringing schools and businesses closer together.

The LGBT Charter since 2013

This Charter fights against discriminations linked to sexual orientation.

The Group renewed its commitment in 2022.

The manifesto for the inclusion in economic life of people with disabilities initiated by Sophie Cluzel and signed in November 2019.

Casino Group’s commitments:

Everyone gets a chance at Casino Group. What counts are the skills of the employees, far more than what they may have done before.

The Group uses different tools to ensure a recruitment based only on skills. It provides recruiters with a “Good practice guide for recruitment”, which recommends the use of a recruitment grid only based on skills. It uses a Simulation Method for Recruitment (SMR) and has signed many partnerships, especially with Pôle Emploi, Missions locales or even Mozaik RH to diversify its recruitments.

In 1995, the Group signed, together with the employees representative bodies, its first agreement in favour of the integration of disabled workers. It reaffirmed this commitment in 2015 by signing the ILO (International Labor Organization) “Business and Disability” global network charter, and more recently the manifesto for the inclusion of disabled people in economic life.

The Casino Group pursues a proactive policy on disability with three objectives:

  • Recruitment and integration of people with disabilities: all positions are open to people with disabilities; new employees are backed from the moment they are hired (mentoring, workstation adjustments, etc.). Partnerships with players in the fields of professional integration, training and education continue to be developed.
  • Training: building partnerships with prestigious schools, universities and vocational retraining centers to train and professionalize people with disabilities and give them access to training tailored to the need of the Group entities.
  • Job retention for people who acquire a disability during the course of their working lives: support with administrative procedures; anticipation of situations of unfitness; co-construction of professional projects; technical and organizational adjustments; improving the accessibility of certain work premises and IT tools to employees.

Over and above the legal obligation alone, the Group has repeatedly affirmed its desire to perpetuate its commitment to disabled employees, as demonstrated by the signing of three-year agreements on the employment of disabled employees for the period 2023-2024-2025. This is the 9th such agreement for Casino, the 7th for Monoprix and the 1st for Franprix. Cdiscount is also pursuing its commitments through a 3rd agreement on the employment of disabled people.

In 2023, Casino Group continued to welcome disabled people, and counted more than 2 900 disabled employees among its workforce in France.

The Group is also stepping up its initiatives for Group employees, inviting them to take part in a range of training modules designed to make it easier to welcome people with disabilities. These include a generic module, one dedicated to welcoming people with autism, and another on hearing disabilities and an introduction to French sign language (LSF).

Among the many associations supported by the Group is Handi’Chiens since the beginning of this partnerships in 2015, it made it possible to finance the training of 30 assistance gods given free of charge to people with disabilities.
By 2026, the Group and its brands are committed to:

  • Recruiting 130 new employees and welcoming 120 disabled trainees,
  • Accelerating the use of work-study programs in all its business lines,
  • Managing job retention situations and support each employee throughout his or her career,
  • Encouraging and facilitating administrative procedures such as RQTH (Recognition of the status of disabled worker),
  • Continuing to raise employees’ awareness about hearing disabilities and finance sign language training,Deploy actions to facilitate digital accessibility,
  • Deploying actions to facilitate digital accessibility,
  • Pursuing collaborations with sheltered-employment organizations such as ESAT and EA,
  • Reinforcing initiatives in stores to better accommodate customers with disabilities.

While France’s employment obligation for disabled workers is set at 6%, Casino banners employ 10,44% disabled people.

In 2013, Casino obtained the gender equality Label which was Renewed in 2019 for Casino and Monoprix bands. The same year, Casino and Monoprix brands were granted the double label “Diversity and Gender Equality”. In 2023 these labels were extended to Franprix and CNova (C-discount, C-Logistics).

The Group’s commitments as regards gender equality are structured around 5 priority areas:

  • Equal wages,
  • Access to key positions for women,
  • Fighting against sexism,
  • Parenthood,
  • Partnerships.

Six strategic indicators are consolidated in the Group’s Gender Scorecard and monitored by the Human Resources departments.

In 2023, as published in 2024, the Index of Gender Equality (weighted average index) for all Group’s entities in France is 95/100 (+1 point compared to 2022), 20 points higher than the legal minimum score (75/100).  

Furthermore, the Group has a proactive policy on parenthood. It was one of the first signatories of the Parenthood Charter in 2008, and is a partner of the Observatoire de la Qualité de Vie au Travail. The Group has renewed its commitment to families by signing the New Parenthood Charter in 2021. In doing so, the “Practical Guide to Parenthood in the Workplace” was updated in 2022.

In 1993, the Group signed its first national commitment called “Entreprises et Quartiers” (Companies and Neighbourhoods) that was renewed in 2008, 2012, 2014 and 2018.

Casino Group is committed to recruiting each year over 800 workers from sensitive city environments. Every three years, it also implements “voluntary testing” in order to check that there are no discrepancies in the recruitment processes according to the presumed origin of the candidate.

In 2013, Casino Group signed the LGBT Commitment Charter. It aims at ensuring a non-discriminating environment for Lesbians, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people. The Group watches out for equality of rights and treatment between colleagues, whatever their sexual preferences may be.

Casino Group wishes to offer a work environment that respects differences and promotes the community spirit to favour well-being and individual fulfillment

Physical appearance is the second criteria mentioned by employees who say they have witnessed acts of discrimination, according to the barometer of the Human Rights Defender in January 2014. The opinion polls and test carried out in the past ten years show that this is a common discrimination criteria, this subject is seldom addressed in the workplace.

Physical appearance is an important issue in the workplace when recruiting and in day-to-day professional life.

The Physical appearance criteria is one of the 25 discrimination criteria legally recognised. It is in accordance with the Policy for the promotion of Diversity and the fight against all types of discriminations.

The Group has implemented, since 2010, a guide designed for managers on the best way to reconcile collective interest and employees personal requests as regards religious practices. It provides, in particular, reminders of the law, information, information to understand the different religious practices and examples of concrete situations.

France is a secular Republic: the Republic doesn’t recognise any religious cult. This principle of secularity translates into an obligation of neutrality for civil servants who cannot display their religious opinions in their position. In a private company, as pointed out by the law, the employer must make sure that no discrimination may arise because of the religious opinion of its employees.

Casino Group wishes, not only, to respect the principles of non-discrimination linked to religious beliefs as defined by Law but also allow some adjustments compatible with the proper running of the company, promote good coexistence and ensure employees safety.

Casino Group wishes to offer a caring work environment while respecting differences and maintaining team cohesion.

Casino implemented an agreement regarding knowledge transfer in order to boost employment within young people and seniors, as well as skill transfer and know-how. In France, it employs over 1,850 student-apprentices and organises every year “the unmissable day for apprentices” in order to promote the role of mentors and apprentices. It is a partner with the organisation “Le Réseau” and “l’Institut de l’Engagement”. Within the Group, over 37% of the employees are under 30.

Casino Group policy is based on a fundamental belief: stereotypes, in whichever way they are expressed, are at the root of all discriminations. Stereotypes are shared beliefs and thoughts nurtured about personal characteristics, personality traits or behaviours of the members of a group of people. They generalise and anchor a belief about them. They can therefore be applied to people belonging to the same generation, even if generations remain abstract categories which naturally gather very different individuals with their own characteristics.


employees in Casino Group


of employees are under 30


of employees are over 50


of executives are women


of female executives in France


of recruitments in permanent contracts are dedicated to the youths

Over  3 300 people from underprivileged neighbourhoods recruited every year

Casino Group is the first retailer to have received both the Diversity and Gender Equality Labels. Being awarded such labels requires the implementation of active measures at all levels within the company.

The Diversity Label obtained in 2009 and renewed
in 2012, 2016, 2019, 2023

This certification was obtained after an AFNOR audit and awarded by an inter-ministerial commission. This label highlights the firm commitment of the company as regards equal opportunities, the prevention of Discriminations and the promotion of Diversity.

The Gender Equality Label between women and men obtained in 2013 and renewed in 2019 and 2023

Awarded by a joint commission and steered by the Ministry of Women’s Rights in partnership with AFNOR, it highlights the company’s commitment towards Equality between women and men.

To go further: